关于 E-Z LOK 金属钻头的常见问题
我们理解您可能对 E-Z LOK 的金属钻头有一些疑问。我们希望能够帮助您做出正确的选择。因此,我们在下方回答了一些最常见的问题。
选择正确的钻头需要考虑您要钻的材料以及衬套的尺寸。钻头必须与衬套的规格相匹配,以实现无缝配合。通过使用标准钻头和丝锥,这一选择过程得以简化,因为它们与 E-Z LOK 衬套的标准尺寸和螺距一致,从而确保高效且干净的安装。
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 3/32 - SKU: 20060
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - #36 - SKU: 20160
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - #29 - SKU: 20360
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 15/64 - SKU: 20760
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 21/32 - SKU: 21460
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 25/32 - SKU: 21560
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 29/32 - SKU: 21660
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 1-1/32 - SKU: 21760
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 41/64 - SKU: 31460
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 49/64 - SKU: 31560
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 57/64 - SKU: 31660
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 1-1/64 - SKU: 31760
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 13/32 - SKU: 360-1332
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 17/32 - SKU: 360-1732
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 27/64 - SKU: 360-2764
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 31/64 - SKU: 360-3164
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 31/64 - 1/4" Shank - SKU: 360-3164-25
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 35/64 - SKU: 360-3564
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 5/16 - SKU: 360-516
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - Letter F - SKU: 360-F
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - Letter I - SKU: 360-I
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - Letter Q - SKU: 360-Q
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - Letter U - SKU: 360-U
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - Letter X - SKU: 360-X
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 2.10 - SKU: 40060
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 2.60 - SKU: 40160
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 1/8 - SKU: 40265
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - #27 - SKU: 40365
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 5.20 - SKU: 40560
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 6.20 - SKU: 40660
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 9/32 - SKU: 40765
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 31/32 - SKU: 41665
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 27.50 - SKU: 41760
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 30.50 - SKU: 41860
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 33.50 - SKU: 41960
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 36.50 - SKU: 42060
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 39.50 - SKU: 42160
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 11.30 - SKU: 42260
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 16.25 - SKU: 51260
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 18.25 - SKU: 51365
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 24.25 - SKU: 51660
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - #31 - SKU: A0260
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - #25 - SKU: A0460
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 11/64 - SKU: A0560
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 13/64 - SKU: A0660
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 17/64 - SKU: A0860
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 21/64 - SKU: A0960
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 25/64 - SKU: A1060
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 29/64 - SKU: A1160
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 33/64 - SKU: A1260
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 37/64 - SKU: A1360
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 1-5/32 - SKU: A1860
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 1-9/32 - SKU: A1960
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 1-13/32 - SKU: A2060
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 8.30 - SKU: E0860
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 12.40 - SKU: E1060
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 14.30 - SKU: E1160
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 18.50 - SKU: E1360
E-Z LOK™ Drill - HSS - 13/16 - SKU: E1465
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We are not the official website of E-Z LOK. Leveraging our supply chain strengths, we are committed to introducing E-Z LOK brand thread inserts into the Chinese market from the United States. We promise that all E-Z LOK thread inserts we provide are genuine and ensure that all products come from E-Z LOK's official authorized distributors in the United States.